How to celebrate Earth Day: Boycott the internet & #StopCISPA

Boycott the internet today April 22, 2013 and let’s #StopCISPA

art predator

I had other plans for an Earth Day post but instead, I am supporting the #StopCISPA Boycott.

If WordPress makes it possible, I will black out my site until Tuesday.

For now, this cat (which you can download and upload to facebook and twitter to explain your absence),  video,CISPAcat and message from Anonymous will have to suffice.

What is CISPA?

Under the guise of cyber-security, CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) is a bill that would grant corporations the power to share our emails, Facebook messages, and other sensitive online data with the government – all without a warrant.

CISPA would kill online privacy as we know it – nullifying the laws that require big corporations to keep our information private from government agencies like the National Security Agency. Those corporations wouldn’t have to notify you that they have done this and you wouldn’t be able to…

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Bicycle Built for Wine: What I want for Mom’s Day & Burning Man!

Doesn’t this look like a fun bike for ArtRides, picnics, concerts in the park, or at the fairgrounds?

wine predator.............. gwendolyn alley

bikebarIn case you don’t have this leather wine rack for your bike, here’s the way to picnic in style on this bicycle built for two–to have a picnic! Complete with safe storage and travel options for your adult beverages of choice!

Wouldn’t this bicycle be perfect for Burning Man? Or for wheeling around the scenic country roads of wine country?

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