What To Wear for a Tweed Ride: TWEED!

I took a spin around the internet looking for examples of tweed to show you because for our next ride, we’d love to see you wearing TWEED!

That’s right, our first ArtRide of 2010, Friday February 5, is a tweed ride!

Dressing for a tweed ride seems harder that it really is because the thrift stores are FULL of wool tweedy looking jackets at 50c to $8. I even found a 44R full coat length real wool grey tweed coat for $8 at Goodwill. Lots of wool tweedy looking pants and skirts too! A dress shirt with a wool vest on top and some sensible shoes (leather) completes your ensemble. Pants too short? Turn them into knickers with some argyle socks or red ones like this chap!

Please no blue jeans, sneakers or lycra! At least wear brown! For night rides, everyone needs a headlight and a blinking red taillight. More blinky, LED & EL wire fun the better on any ride!

These Tweed photos came from here.

More links to fun Tweed photos:


Also pictured is the winner of “The Most Snappy Lass” contest from the Chicago Tweed Ride, from the blog, “Let’s GO Ride a Bike” where you’ll find more pictures from their Tweed Ride last spring.

We love having families on the ArtRides, but for safety sake, we have a few rules:

EVERYONE under 18 must have a helmet (that’s the law) and be with someone over 18.

NIGHT RIDES–children under 8 MUST ridealong with an adult. That means a bike seat, a trailerbike or in a trailer. Children should have a blinking tail light also.

DAY RIDES–children younger than 8 MAY ride without an adult at the adult’s discretion and with the ride leader’s approval.  You can ride with us when we are on a bike path or on the promenade; please do not try to ride with us downtown. Exceptions might be made for  6 and older experienced riders on geared bikes with good breaks.

PS Keep an eye out for bridal wear–up next is the Brides of March FFArtRide March 5 with a day ride TBA (March 13?)

Ventucky Tweed Rides February 5 & 6

East Bay Tweed Ride, June 5th

February 5 is the First Ventucky Tweed Ride!

Originally uploaded by Theremina

Meet 5:30pm
Artists Union Gallery, CA St & Ventura Beach Promenade
Ride 6pm
To Art Studios & Galleries
Socialize 8pm
Laurel St. Gallery

Join Dapper Lads & Lasses in finest tweeds & gowns for a jolly ride about town on our two-wheeled steeds! No lycra, jeans, or modern garb please! Prizes for Dandies dressed most ingeniously! Bring your own device for portage of libations & money for hooch.

We ride every First Friday!

Saturday Feb. 6 is the weekend ride for February–TWEED TOO! Meet at 2pm at the City of Ventura Mainenance yard at San Jon Road and Chrisman Ave for a quick jaunt around town publicizing the Angels & Saints/Seven Deadly Sins Fashion and Variety show that night in the Elks Lodge on Ash and Main!

So yes it’s another Tweed Ride, but with a Saints and Sinners Twist. Will you have a halo? Wings? Devil horns?

The Fashion & Variety show starts at 8pm and runs until 10pm–and the show includes special guests like Art Predator on a bikergo riding down the runway! Tickets are $15 or $25 for VIP: Fashion Week Ventura 2010 benefits AIDS Project Ventura County (APVC), a program of Ventura County Rainbow Alliance . Some of us plan a ride over to join other cast members and friends at the Thursday Feb. 4 Fashion Week Kick-Off Party with live music at Candlelight. Let me know if you want to go and we’ll figure out the logistics.

See Tweed Ride examples here: http://sftweed.com/

What’s Your Favorite Bike Art?

When I was doing some research for my Black Rock Arts Foundation on bikes and art projects, I came across the work of an amazing cycle-oriented artist,  Mark Grieve.

I’d seen Mark’s giant Bike Arch at Burning Man in 2007–but when this double rainbow blossomed in the sky, I was off at the Critical Tits bike ride after party. Fortunately, photographer  Tristan “Loupiote” Savatier (URL: http://www.loupiote.com/burning

man) was at Center Camp. He took this cool night shot as well.

The same artist behind the wheels at Burning Man, Mark Grieve, also did this installation “Wheel Arch” in my fair city of Ventura. I wish his Wheel Arch was still up so we could do one of First Friday ArtRides through it! But that’s the nature of temporary public art installations–enjoy them while you can.

In the meantime, I can go to Bici Centro in nearby Santa Barbara to see this beauty of a doorway arch on display.

Having cool bike art goes a long way toward creating a bike culture!

I’ll be on the lookout to post more bike art here.

See a slideshow of Mark Grieve’s sculptures.

ArtRides: what’s our mission?

A group of us go on ArtRides on the First Friday of every month from 5:30 or so until 8pm or so; we also hold a weekend ride. The next First Friday ArtRide is the Tweed Ride February 5 and we’re doing one February 6 also.

But why?

Well they’re fun of course! But I think most of us will ArtRiders will agree the fundamental purpose of the ArtRides, our Mission Statement if you will, first and foremost, is to increase the social fabric of our community.

Of course, each ArtRider has or her own ideas about what we’re doing and why. So come on a ride and ask!

We desire to create an artistic, engaged community because our community is fragmented by forces which encourage us to be spectators instead of participants, to blend in instead of standing out, to be quiet rather than to speak.

On our ArtRides, as we ride around town in our costumes, we change that dynamic: we become a participatory art action that also encourages people to ride and be engaged. Each month, we create a performance art piece with a changing cast of people which is inclusive in every way we can imagine. We stand out. We create goodwill. We generate acceptance.

By riding our bikes together, we meet, get to know each other, and show our community ways to participate in life and have fun creatively in a way that is also sustainable.

We are bicycling advocates. But it is hard to get people to support the needs of cyclists if they themselves don’t ride, so we want to get people onto their feet and their bikes. The ArtRides call attention to cyclists on the streets in a playful way. Being out on an ArtRide, being part of a public interactive art piece, give us an opportunity to talk about the needs of cyclists with cyclists and non-cyclists alike.

As change-agents in our community, we’re trying to create a bike culture as well as a culture that allows for more creative expression. Through our ArtRides, we seek to create a community of creativity that supports living lightly on the Earth.

Here are some of our specific goals which I cribbed from the Ventura Bicycle Union:
1. Encourage & increase bike riding; decrease auto dependency.
2. Lessen our overall impact on the environment.
3. Create safe, direct intra-city bike routes.
4. Increase bike safety.
5. Involve under-served communities.
6. Improve relationships between drivers and bikers through education.
7. Integrate bicycles with public transportation efforts.
8. Provide convenient bicycle facilities that support bike culture.
9. Find funding to implement goals.
10. Advocate the enforcement and development of bike regulations.
11. Make our community attractive & competitive as a bicycle-friendly place to live.
12. Increase the social fabric of our communities.

Interactivity: Our ArtRides prompt people to act. They remind people of the joy in riding alone and with a group of friends, just like when we were kids and that reminder encourages them to act–to get their bikes on the road again! Being part of the rides brings joy as does watching them. Without bicycling participants, there would be no ArtRide; this will be even more true on the Aeolian Rides! For the night ride, we hope that the cycling action itself will help light the ride. The ArtRides requires human interaction to complete the piece, prompts people to interact with one another, and responds to participants and to its environment.

Education: The ArtRides educate Riders and the public. Riders learn how to ride in a group and at night; they learn about safety and what’s required by law. Many of our ArtRiders have school age children. On the Rides, we meet the artists, and in talking with them, learn more about the art. Many people on the Rides know little about the local art scene and this has exposed them to it as well as brought greater exposure to the artists. We agree that art is a powerful tool to educate youth about the pressing concerns of their times, including issues around the environment, renewable energy, and climate change.

Activism: The ArtRides grew out of twin desires–to promote and support the local arts scene and to promote cycling, particularly among families. Our ArtRides, as a performance art piece, causes participants as well as observers to reflect on the larger community and their behaviors and actions.  ArtRiders connects as individuals, forming alliances and friendships, and they call the community to a variety of actions.  The ArtRides challenges individuals to reexamine their everyday lives and they ways they rely on personal vehicles for transportation. By encouraging people to ride, we support alternatives to traditional consumerism and transportation choices, and provide models to ways to reduce environmental impact. Through the  ArtRides, we seek to promote the use of renewable resources, environmental justice and social responsibility.

ArtRides which we hold on the First Friday of every month from 5:30 or so until 8pm or so; we also hold a weekend ride. The next First Friday ArtRide is the Tweed Ride February 5 and we’re doing one February 6 also. Join our facebook group “San Buenaventura ArtRiders Bicycle & Social Club” to know when those are held and to be kept up to date about rides.

So why am I posting this here and now? Because I wrote a grant the other day to the Black Rock Arts Foundation asking for funds to help us hold the rides and to sponsor Jessica Findley to come to Ventura to do an Aeolian Ride at night for the August First Friday ArtRide and during the day for the Ventura County Fair Parade. I asked for funds for her and to light the costumes. Unfortunately, a glitch in my brain meant I majorly underestimated how much it will cost to light up the costumes for the night ride! Oh well. Let’s get funded first then worry about it!

Bikergo Gal Applies for BRAF Grant for ArtRides & Aeolian Rides: Feb 5 Tweed Ride!

The mission of the Black Rock Arts Foundation is to support and promote community-based interactive art and civic participation. For our purposes, interactive art means art that generates social participation. The process whereby this art is created, the means by which it is displayed and the character of the work itself should inspire immediate actions that connect people to one another in a larger communal context.

And that’s why I applied for a Black Rock Arts Foundation grant to fund the 2010 ArtRides, and especially the Aeolian Ride (LA’s 2005 Night Ride is pictured)–because I think we meet the BRAF mission.

What are the ArtRides? What’s an Aeolian Ride?

On the First Friday of each month from 5:30pm-8pm, 25-50 of us travel on bikes to various art galleries and studios during First Friday Gallery Night sponsored by local galleries and studios. A typical ArtRide meets at 5:30pm at the Artists Union Gallery, located at 330 S. California Street on the Ventura Beach Promenade. About 6pm, we ride along the beach bike path and through the downtown, midtown, and westside areas of Ventura stopping at various galleries and studios. Here’s Harmony, my small boy, and many bikes outside a gallery during the prom ride last May.

Each ride has a different artistic theme for ArtRiders to participate in with costumes and bike décor. Some of us make music as we ride; we wave and smile and interact with those we pass. We lead a monthly weekend daytime as well which follows the same theme. Here’s a list of 2009’s ArtRide themes. If you have suggestions for 2010, bring ‘em on! Especially if you’re into helping out with making flyers etc!

ArtRides range in size from 25-50 people; with ArtRiders joining us along the way and falling off when they need to.  ArtRiders range in age from infants to teens to college grads to seniors. Many families ride with us; we encourage family participation and we anticipate and support the needs of families as best we can. Children under 8 must ride with a parent in a bike seat,  in a trailer, or on a trailabike.

In October 2009, my then 5 year old son and I went on an Aeolian Ride in Santa Barbara; I knew right then and there that we had to do one in Ventura! In 2010,  we plan to hold two Aeolian Rides under the leadership of Jessica Findley, who received a BRAF grant in 2004 to construct the original costumes and lead the original Aeolian Ride in NYC. We intend to hold one ride at night (like in LA in 2005 pictured) and one during the day (see photos of the Santa Barbara ride–yep, that’s me, AP in the hot pink hair riding the Tiger bike!) For the one at night, we plan to rig the costumes (and bikes) with lights.  In order to figure this out in advance of the ride and Jessica’s arrival, we will also construct additional costumes using Jessica’s patterns. She has a grant to make children’s costumes and so we will make children’s sized ones as well as adult sized ones.

We hope to hold the Aeolian Rides August 6 and 7 because August 7 is the Ventura County Fair Parade.  Last year, we were in the Parade as animals on bikes playing kazoos and singing the song “We went to the Animal Fair.”  Yes, that’s me, Art Predator again in that wild hot pink wig!

Several people said we were their favorite entry because we were so interactive with the crowd and could move around the street and get closer. I am sure an Aeolian Ride would be a HUGE hit with the crowds which line the fair parade route. We might even be able to ride right into the fair grounds and ride there as an attraction!

As other communities are also getting on the “First Friday” Bandwagon, we will seek them out and encourage the development of similar rides. Already, a Santa Barbara ride has changed its timing to correspond with their art communities “First Thursday” event and friends in Flagstaff are interested in getting a ride going during their First Friday event.

Anyone can join the ArtRide who has a bike and the safety features required by law.  We strongly encourage people to dress up according to the theme. We help them figure out what to wear and we hold bike workshops too. We’d like to do more to help get people and bikes together.Jessica has 52 costumes, plus the new children’s costumes, plus we will make a few more. We intend to have a rider for every costume.

When we make our Friday night gallery stops, we talk about the art we’ve seen. We promote cycling and having fun, getting out and participating in life. Anyone who wants to joins the ride can participate in the fun. The audience is the community at large—those we ride by and those who are attending First Friday events as well as the artists. Thousands of people line the streets for the annual Ventura County Fair Parade. It is also possible we could ride at the fair.

The ArtRides are a collaboration with the participating First Friday Galleries & Studios, VCCOOL (a climate change activism group), Ventura Bicyclists Union, and more. Local bike shops are very supportive and help publicize the rides. Many artists in town ride with us or contact us about making a stop at particular shows; several artists have collaborated on posters and flyers. We will collaborate also with Jessica Findley for our Aeolian Ride.

This is our second year of doing ArtRides. Our next First Friday ArtRide is the Feb. 5 “Tweed Ride” followed by a daytime ArtRide: Feb. 6 “Tweed Ride 2: Saints and Angels and the 7 Deadly Sins” where we will ride and then participate that evening in a AIDS benefit Fashion Show by riding our bikes down the catwalk in costume. More on those rides soon!

Get Your Tickets Now to Join My Favorite Ride: Burning Man!

I live near the beach so you’d think cruising along the coast would be my favorite ride. But no–my best ride is anywhere at Burning Man.

I first rode out there in 1995 on my friend Marialyce’s bike. It was my second time to Burning Man and I thought I was experienced. But between my first burn in 1992 and my second burn in 1995, Black Rock City grew from a population of 600 people camped casually around and a small city of 6,000 spread randomly apart and you needed a bike to get around and see everything and find people. Every year since, I have been grateful for my bike and found great pleasure and pleasures riding around Black Rock City.

Possibly my best ride EVER at Burning Man occurred last year on Friday night in 2009 when I was waiting for the Rocket to go off and I first experienced a bikergo.

“Marie” looks like she’s having a good time on her bike ride in BRC last year too.

PHOTO: Dan Adams

URL: http://web.mac.com/danjadams

Tickets for Burning Man 2010 “The Metropolis” are on sale now. Learn more about Burning Man ticket sales here and here.